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Bring Back The Original Color Of The Skin With 1 Natural Lotion


We lose the natural color of our skin due to sun burn, not taking proper care of the skin, not cleaning the skin etc. The brightness of the skin decreases, the skin looks dirty. It is often seen that the color of the face does not match with the color of the skin of many people. That is, the face looks black from the color of the skin. A natural lotion will eliminate all these problems and bring back the original color of the skin. Things to keep in mind before using the lotion-


1.This lotion is not a whitening lotion.

2. It will only bring back the natural color of your skin.

3. You can easily make it with just 2 ingredients. These ingredients are completely natural.

Let's not know, what ingredients to bring back the original color of the skin and how to make this lotion.


Lotion to bring back the original color of the skin Whatever it looks like

1. A lemon

2. 1 teaspoon sugar

3. A clean small glass bottle

How to make

First cut the lemon. Squeeze out the lemon juice. Peel a squash, grate it and squeeze the juice. Take 1 teaspoon of lemon juice with sugar. Mix the mixture well with a spoon.

Now, pour the mixture into a small pan. Heat the mixture in the oven on very low heat. When it boils, turn off the oven after 10 seconds. The lotion will be liquid type.

Let the mixture cool by itself. When cool, pour into a clean glass bottle. This is your skin brightening lotion. You can store it in the fridge for 7 days.


How to use

First clean the face with facewash. Next, apply the lotion on the whole face with a small cotton ball. Exclude eye area. Apply the lotion like a face pack for 20 minutes. After 20 minutes, wash your face with normal water and wipe. Then apply the moisturizer of your choice. Use it once a day. Hopefully, you will understand the difference in 2-3 days.


My experience

I have been using this lotion for many years. For me it has worked like magic and I have regained the brightness of my skin. Whenever my face gets dark, I make and use this lotion.


Some caution

Since lemon has been used in this lotion, the face may itch a little after use. This is also the case with me. It decreases after a while. But for those who have allergies / if burning starts after use, wash your face immediately and refrain from using it.


Some tips

1. Follow a cleansing, toning, moisturizing routine every day.

2. Do scrubbing 2-3 days a week.

3. Be sure to use sunscreen before going out.

I hope you find this Natural Skin Brightening Lotion recipe very useful.

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