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Freedom From Wrinkles 3 Uses Of Coconut Oil!


Oops !! Same !! The impression of age has fallen on the face !! Where did it come from ?? How can I get rid of it ??? ”

Are you constantly worried about the signs of age on your skin?

Do you think dark spots and wrinkles are tarnishing your beautiful face day after day? Then you should start using coconut oil in skin care today !!

No no! It's not an ad! I said in the language of a little advertising and what! But really guys! Because coconut oil is natural, effective and absolutely safe. It works much more effectively to eliminate wrinkles. Wrinkles can appear anywhere on your face, around the face, forehead and around the eyes. There are many effective treatments for wrinkles but coconut oil is one of them.

 So let's take a look at 3 great uses of coconut oil to get rid of wrinkles.

1. Apple cider vinegar and coconut oil:

You will need

1 tablespoon apple cider vinegar

1 tablespoon water

A few drops of extra virgin coconut oil

Cotton ball

All you have to do

First mix water with apple cider vinegar. Then dip a cotton ball in this mixture and apply it on your face. Let dry. Now massage your face with coconut oil. Leave it like this all night. In the morning, wash your face with a natural cleanser. Use it every night before bed.

Apple cider vinegar acts as an astringent. Combined with coconut oil, it balances the skin's pH and helps reduce wrinkles.


2. Castor oil and coconut oil

You will need-

2-3 drops of organic coconut oil

2-3 drops of castor oil or castor oil


All you have to do

Mix the two oils well together. Now apply the oil on your face with your fingers and massage gently for about 5 minutes. Use it especially before going to bed at night and leave it like this all night. If you use it every day, you will get good results very quickly.

Castor oil is a deep conditioner for the skin that is rich in anti-oxidants and contains anti-inflammatory ingredients that are effective in reducing skin wrinkles as well as removing skin germs.

3. Vitamin E and coconut oil

You will need

1 vitamin E capsule

A few drops of organic coconut oil

All you have to do

Take 1 vitamin E capsule and pierce it, carefully remove the liquid from it and pour it into a bowl. This time mix a few drops of organic coconut oil with it well. Now clean your skin well, wipe it dry.

Then massage the mixture of vitamin E and coconut oil on your face with your fingers for about two minutes. This way using it every night will quickly reduce your wrinkles.

Vitamin E hydrates the skin and relieves excess dryness of the skin responsible for wrinkles. It contains tecoferol, which is an anti-oxidant and it rejuvenates dull skin and protects the skin from being damaged.

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