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Some Vegetables in Skin Care


The safest and most accessible way to get rid of various skin problems is to take care of your skin with natural ingredients at home. But it is a long-term process. If you can take care of it with patience, you can easily get your desired skin. Here are some of the vegetables in the kitchen today that eliminate various skin problems and make it more beautiful and healthy. So let's find out about some skin care vegetables.


Some vegetables in skin care


Those who are worried about facial scars can use potatoes. The bleaching agent in potatoes is very effective in removing skin blemishes. There is no pair of potatoes to remove acne scars, sun burns or other facial scars.

- Rub a piece of potato lightly on the face or blend the potato and take out the juice and mix it with multani soil and use it. This will make the skin blemish-free and reduce excess oil. However, those with dry skin will only use potato juice.

- Peel a squash, grate it and squeeze the juice. Now mix equal amount of potato and cucumber and apply it on the black area around the eyes. Leave on for 20-25 minutes. Rinse with cold water. Then wipe the eyes with a little coconut oil / almond oil and massage in a circular motion on the dark circles of the eyes. Massage first against the thorns and then against the thorns. Leave it like this overnight. Get up in the morning and wash your face.


2) Tomatoes

Almost all of us have tomatoes in our kitchens, but very few people use them for skin care. Tomatoes are rich in vitamins A, C and K. Tomatoes are a huge source of anti-aging oxidants. So regular use of tomatoes can hide a lot of age marks.

Cut a tomato in half and squeeze the juice out of it. Now mix it well with 2 teaspoons of honey. Clean the face well and apply this mixture on the face. Wash off after 20 minutes. Use 3-4 times a week for soft, radiant and beautiful skin. However this pack is good for dry and dull skin. Those who have oily skin should mix multani soil with tomato juice instead of honey and apply it on the face.


3) Carrots


Carrots are rich in beta carotene, minerals and essential vitamins. Carrots are not only beneficial for the eyesight, they are also very effective in removing various skin problems and making the skin beautiful and healthy.

Wash and boil a carrot well. When it is well cooked, cool the carrot and paste it with a blender or by hand. Now mix well with half a teaspoon of honey and olive oil and a few drops of lemon juice carrot paste (those whose skin is oily they will omit olive oil). Apply the mixture evenly on the face and neck and keep it for 20 minutes. Then rinse with water.


4) Cabbage

According to various studies, cabbage is a very effective anti-aging vegetable. Cabbage contains powerful anti-oxidants that reduce the appearance of aging on the skin and brighten the skin.

Cut the cabbage into small pieces, boil it in water and strain it to separate the water. You can cool this water and keep it in the fridge. Wash your face with it 2 or 3 days a week. It brightens and softens the skin.

This is what you know about skin care vegetables. However, in addition to beauty treatments, keep a variety of vegetables on your regular food list. This will make your skin beautiful and healthy from within.

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